Text Appearing Before Image: 782 ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL. (Vol. XXXVII. No. 18. Text Appearing After Image: Hudson & Manhattan Railroad—General View of Yard with Inspection Shed and Switch Tower on the Right May 6, 1911.) ELECTRIC RAILWAY JOURNAL. 783 tribute to individual machines the material placed on the floorby the crane. The plan of the shops on page 781 gives a complete list ofthe tools in the machine shop with the exception of a new No.4 Brown & Sharp miller and a Davis expansion borer. Prac-tically all of the other important tools, including the lathe,hydraulic press and boring mill in the wheel-handling section,were furnished by the Niles-Bement-Pond Company. Thelarger shop tools are operated by direct-connected motors andthe smaller tools in the machine shop are driven from lineshafting, which in turn is belted to an electric motor. All ofthe motors are 600 volts d.c. There are also installed a Foxsand-drying stove and a home-made conduit pipe bender of theair-cylinder type. A recent alteration in machine shop practicehas been the replacement of carbon drills by high-sp
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