I recently had the chance to go see my buddy world famous comedian do his thing, and catch The Chris Gethard Show live September 28, 2011. Although I've been watching the show on the web each and every week, seeing it taped lived was a whole 'nother thing. It was a blast!
If you've never seen it, The Chris Gethard Show is the strangest, weirdestm funniest talk show that has ever been created. Chris is the host, and he's surrounded by a dense cast of hilarious comedians and weirdoes. This week he was joined by regulars Don Fanelli, Shannon O'Neill and Will Heinz on the comedy side. There was Random Jean, the Human Fish and a whole bunch of people in kooky costumes. The LLC, the house band for the show was on point playing the original theme music for the show and the appearance fo various callers and characters. They did some comedy, took some phone calls from listeners and eeryone talked about their experiences using drugs. It was hysterical.
The bonus highlight of the show was the performances by rapper Roebus One from Trenton, NJ. This kid can spit fire. I was blown away seeing him rhyme, and instantly became a fab. It seemed everyone else did as well, because the whole audience was up and dancing up a storm (even Winnie the Pooh and a Spaceman!).
I can't say enough great things about The Chris Gethard Show. If you haven't seen it, then you need to. You can catch the show live every Wednesday at 11pm online at: thechrisgethardshow.com/ If you lie in Manhattan, you can also see the show on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Get to it people!
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