Datei:Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - NARA05.jpg

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Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author (Franz Konrad confessed to taking some of the photographs, the rest was probably taken by photographers from Propaganda Kompanie nr 689.[1][2])
Die originale oder archivierte Bildunterschrift kann fehlerhaft, tendenziös, überholt oder politisch extrem sein.
Die Räumung eines Betriebes wird besprochen
title QS:P1476,de:"Die Räumung eines Betriebes wird besprochen"
label QS:Lde,"Die Räumung eines Betriebes wird besprochen"
label QS:Len,"Discussing the evacuation of the factory"
label QS:Lpl,"Omówiono opróżnienie zakładów"
English: SS and German army officers, accompanied by SD guards, discuss the evacuation of a factory in the Warsaw ghetto during the uprising. The SS wanted to liquidate the Ghetto; the German Army wanted the factories to continue production of small goods they needed.
Abgebildete Personen On the left Josef Blösche holding MP.28,II
Datum 24. April 1943
date QS:P571,+1943-04-24T00:00:00Z/11
Warsaw copy Nr.3, NARA copy Nr.3
Andere Versionen
Placement in the original document:
Warsaw copy page #4
NARA copy page #5

Other photographs from the same location:


Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!  Template:Stroop Report
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!
title QS:P1476,de:"Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!"
label QS:Lde,"Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!"
label QS:Len,"The Jewish Quarter of Warsaw is No More!"
label QS:Lpl,"Żydowska dzielnica mieszkaniowa w Warszawie już nie istnieje!"
Deutsch: Niederschlagung des Aufstandes im Warschauer Ghetto. Foto von Jürgen Stroop in einem Bericht an Heinrich Himmler vom Mai 1943.
English: Stroop Report: a report written by Jürgen Stroop for Heinrich Himmler about liquidation of Warsaw Ghetto in May 1943.
Polski: Raport Stroopa: raport z maja 1943, napisany przez Jürgena Stroopa do Heinricha Himmlera na temat likwidacji getta warszawskiego.
עברית: דו"ח סטרופ, נכתב על ידי יורגן סטרופ להיינריך הימלר על דיכוי המרד בגטו ורשה במאי 1943
Sprache Deutsch
NARA copy:
institution QS:P195,Q518155
Warsaw copy:
institution QS:P195,Q705173
  • Warsaw copy: Source Record ID: 238-IMT-1061PS-Box 21-22
  • NARA copy: Source Record ID: 4/202z-Inv.4498
Veröffentlichungsdatum Mai 1943
date QS:P,+1943-05-00T00:00:00Z/10
Maße Höhe: 30 cm; Breite: 22 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,30U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,22U174728
  • 1943: Three leather bound albums were created for Heinrich Himmler, Friedrich Krueger and Jürgen Stroop, and one unbound file copy of the report (das Konzept) remained in Warsaw, in the care of Chief of Staff Jesuiter.[3]
  • 1945: According to statement given in 1945 by Stroop's adjutant Karl Kaleshke, to US authorities in Wiesbaden, he ordered Stroops copy of the report burnt with other secret documents in Burg Kranzberg.[1]
  • 1945: After the war only two of the four copies were discovered, those belonging to Himler and Jesuiter.[2] Himler's copy went to Seventh Army Intelligence Center (SAIC) and Jesuiter's to Military Intelligence Research Section (MIRS) in London.[1] Several sources stated that German Bundesarchiv also had a copy in Koblenz.[4][5][2] However, in reply to inquiries by Richard Raskin, Bundesarchiv stated that third copy of report was never in their possession.[3]
  • November 1945: Both copies were exhibited at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in November 1945, sharing the document number 1061-PS, and used in the trial as “US Exhibit 275”.[3]
  • 1947: Both copies were used at International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg in the trial of Oswald Pohl as exhibit 503.
  • 10. Juni 1948: Himler/SAIC copy of the Stroop report and Katzmann Report were handed over by Fred Niebergal, head of Office of Chief of Counsel for War Crimes – OCCWC, to Bernard Acht, head of Polish Military Mission in Nuremberg.[1]
  • 1948: Jesuiter/MIRS copy of the report went to National Archives (NARA) in Washington, D.C., where it remains.[3]
  • Juli 1951: The Warsaw (Himler/SAIC) copy of the report was used in Jürgen Stroop trial at Warsaw Criminal District Court,[2] and transferred afterwards to KC PZPR archive.[1]
  • 1952: The Warsaw copy is transferred to "Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce" and it successor Instytut Pamięci Narodowej – Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu where it remains. [1]

Text of the report and the photographs can be found at:

  1. a b c d e f Tomasz Stempowski. Zdjęcia z powstania w getcie. Retrieved on October 8, 2013.
  2. a b c d Jürgen Stroop (2009) Andrzej Żbikowski (Hrsg.) Żydowska dzielnica mieszkaniowa w Warszawie już nie istnieje! / Es gibt keinen jüdischen Wohnbezirk in Warschau mehr!, Warschau: Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, S. 10−18
  3. a b c d Richard Raskin (2004) A Child at Gunpoint: A Case Study in the Life of a Photo, Aarhus University Press
  4. Yad Vashem Photo Archive
  5. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


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