Text Appearing Before Image: lt-up parts, according to the require-ments and the adaptability of the material. The interior finish, doors, windows, window sash, upperpart of floor, roof, and the outside above the .window sills ismade of wood. The floor is of ^-in. steel plates upon whichare laid two courses of wooden flooring, each ^ ins. thick,with ys-in. felt paper between. The top of the floor is coveredwith 3-16-in. thick linoleum. The framing at the ends con-sists of angles at the corners and of three channels reinforcedwith plates on each side of the door. The platforms aresupported on the center sills and on 6-in. channels. Theplatform end sills are pressed of 5-16-in. steel plate intochannel shape and to suit vestibule fixtures. All vertical lines of rivets on the outside of the car arecovered with special drawn-steel mouldings, which give theappearance of broad panels as used on some wooden cars.On account of using the Railway Companys standard six-wheel trucks with standard height of bolsters and center Text Appearing After Image: PRESSEDSTEEL CAR FOR TRUNK-LINE SERVICE, BUILT FOR THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY politan Street Railway, of New York, a steel street car forthe Broadway line, has within the last few days completedanother steel street car for San Francisco. The latter is of the California combination type. Al-though built of steel it has the same general appearance asa wooden street car, due to the graining of the visible steelposts, etc., so as to resemble wood. Hence it is not notice-ably different from a wooden car of the same general type. The Pressed Steel Car Company has also under construc-tion a number of all-steel and combination steel and woodpassenger cars for electric and steam railroads, among whichmay be mentioned three passenger coaches for the SouthernRailway. The company had one of these Southern cars onexhibition at the Master Mechanics and Master Car BuildersConventions at Atlantic City this week, and as these carsrepresent entirely new departures in passenger construction,a short descriptio
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