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Tetun: MAP Kolleta Batar hektares 42 Iha Zumalai

Covalima- Ministériu Agríkultura e Peskas liu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Agríkultura Hortikultura e Estensaun (DHNE) kolleta batar ba epoka daruak nian hamutuk 42 hektares iha Suku Raimea Posto Administrativu Zumalai. Serimonia kolleta batar ne’e ofisialmente marka prezensa husi Ministro Agíikultura e Peskas MAP Pedro dos Reis, Deputadu Komisaun D Antóninho Bianco nomos Autoridade Lokál hosi Posto Aministrativu Zumalai rasik. Serimonia be’e hala’o iha loron Kinta-feira (10/09) iha Suku Raimea. Tuir Ministro MAP Pedro dos Reis hateten katak, aktividade kolleta batar ne’e hamutuk 42 hektares no nia rezultadu hamutuk 3 toneladas. “Ami mós dadaun haree hela oinsa atu prosesu tama ba iha merkadoria, ami sei orienta ita nia- inan aman sira bele kuda produsaun ne’e halo barak, tanba governu mós iha hanoin atu loke industria ki’ik ruma, liu-liu ba aihan Manu no ikan nian. Atu dezenvolve diak liu tan Ami mós koko servisu hamutuk ho tekniku no estrutura tomak, no konsege edentifika ona fatin potensial sira iha teritoriu Timor laran, liu-liu konaba batar no hare. Ita espera katak iha tinan 2021 to 2023 MAP mós bele halo buat ruma.” tenik Ministro MAP Iha fatin hanesan Presidenti komisaun D paralemntu nasionál, Antoninho Bianco hatutan katak, hanesan reprezenta povu sente preokupa tebes ho ita -nia produsaun rai laran ne’e tanba la sufsiente atu fornese ba ita -nian rasik, tanba ne’e mak ita- nia osan barak sempre sai ba liur. Ita mós tenta atu labele depedente ba produdasaun sira hosi rai liur. Nia hatutan, foin kuda mak iha 200 hektares maíbe ohin ha’u rona 42 hektares mak iha ne’e, previzaun iha tinan kotuk ne’e dehan 1000 mil hektares mak atu kuda iha covalima tuir dadus mak ministeriu agrikultura fo ami, uluk 56 mil hektares 603 potensial para atu kuda batar nian mak ne’e, agora ita foin mak 3000 ital ohin dehan kada hektares ne’e epoka daruak 3.6 toneladas ita toma kedas nia produtu halo labra hotu kedas ha’u hanoin ita la pendente ona produsaun hosi rai liur, tanba ita halo industria kona ba sosis ruma.

Tuir informasaun ne’ebé mak ami rona katak, iha  kompañia balun hakarak halo sosis liga ba manu sira ne’ebe mak hakiak  manu nia  aihan mak la ses hosi batar ne’e depois sira transforma fali ba batar u’ut hodi bele fó hahan ba animal ikan mós bele, ne’ebé signifika katak ita produs la sufisiente lalika hakfodak produsan de’it bele mós timor laran tomak produs tan ita  -nia osan ne’ebé  iha ne’e sirkula iha rai laran tanba ita halo industria ita produs barak.

Ita mós bele Transforma batar ba fali aihan seluk ne’e bele fó nutrisaun diak ba ita nia saude, seitór hotu-hotu tenki lao hamutuk ne’e mk bolu dezenvolvimentu integradu, neduni ohin loron ha’u louva MAP maske ho orsamentu covod 19 bele produs ho hektares 42 maibé ita espera katak iha OGE 2021 MAP sei bele produs batar ho hektares boot e ita –nia nasaun sei la depende hosi rai liur. Salienta Nian Entretantu xefe grupu Holbelak, Duarte das Neves haktuir katak, luan hektares 42 ne’e ami loke ho tratór bo’ot, ohin loron ami senti kontenti tebes tanba Ministro MAP bele mai kolleta batar iha fatin ida ne’e, ami kontinua husu nafatin apoiu ba Ministériu maka hanesan makina dulas batar nian ida atu bele ajuda ami. (E”J) Bele hare iha ami nia website http://maf.gov.tl/tl/notisia/467-map-kolleta-batar-hektares-42-iha-zumalai Fotografia/Media.Gab.M/MAP

Quelle Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas
Urheber Ministério da Agricultura e Pescas


Public domain
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]

There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:

  1. publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
  2. publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
  3. repetition, either in whole or in part, of news from a news agency, radio or television broadcaster, and newspaper not less than 1 x 24 (one times twenty four) hours counted from the initial publication of such news, and the source there of shall be fully cited.

PD-TLGov Public domain in the East Timor //commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2020-09-14_Raimea.jpg

  1. The Main Characteristics of the Timorese Legal System – a Practical Guide, p.177


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aktuell22:22, 9. Okt. 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 22:22, 9. Okt. 2021519 × 638 (173 KB)J. Patrick Fischer{{Information |description={{tet|1=MAP Kolleta Batar hektares 42 Iha Zumalai Covalima- Ministériu Agríkultura e Peskas liu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Agríkultura Hortikultura e Estensaun (DHNE) kolleta batar ba epoka daruak nian hamutuk 42 hektares iha Suku Raimea Posto Administrativu Zumalai. Serimonia kolleta batar ne’e ofisialmente marka prezensa husi Ministro Agíikultura e Peskas MAP Pedro dos Reis, Deputadu Komisaun D Antóninho Bianco nomos Autoridade Lokál hosi Posto Aministrativu Zumala...

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