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English: An anachronous map of the Portuguese Empire (1415-1999).
  • Red - actual possessions
  • Olive green - explorations
  • Orange - areas of influence and trade
  • Pink - claims of sovereignty
  • Light green - trading posts
  • Blue - main sea explorations, routes and areas of influence.
Português: Mapa anacrónico do Império Português (1415-1999).
  • Vermelho - possessões efetivas
  • Verde Oliva - explorações
  • Laranja - áreas de influência e comércio
  • Rosa - reivindicações de soberania
  • Verde claro - postos comerciais
  • Azul - principais explorações marinhas, rotas e áreas de influência.
Deutsch: Anachronistische Karte des Portugiesischen Weltreichs (1415-1999)
  • Rot - tatsächliche Besitzungen
  • Olive - Entdeckungen
  • Orange - Einfluss- und Handelsgebiete
  • Rosa - Besitzansprüche
  • Grün - Handelsposten
  • Blau - Hauptentdeckungen, Routen und Einflussgebiete zur See
Español: Mapa anacrónico del imperio portugués (1415-1999).
  • Rojo - posesiones reales
  • Oliva - exploraciones
  • Naranja - áreas de influencia y comercio
  • Rosa - reclamaciones de soberanía
  • Verde - puertos comerciales
  • Azul - principales exploraciones marinas, rutas y áreas de influencia.
Français : Carte anachronique de l'empire colonial portugais (1415-1999).
  • Rouge - possessions réelles
  • Olive - explorations
  • Orange - aire d'influence et de commerce
  • Rose - territoires revendiqués
  • Vert - comptoirs commerciaux
  • Bleu - principales explorations, routes commerciales et aires d'influence maritimes.
Italiano: Carta anacronistica dell'Impero Portoghese (1415-1999).
  • Rosso - possedimenti effettivi
  • Verde Oliva - esplorazioni
  • Arancione - aree d'influenza e commercio
  • Rosa - territori rivendicati
  • Verde - basi commerciali
  • Blu - principali rotte commerciali, esplorazioni e aree d'influenza marittime.
Galego: Mapa anacrónico do imperio portugués (1415-1999).
  • Vermello - posesións actuais
  • Oliva - exploracións
  • Laranxa - áreas de influencia e comercio
  • Rosa - reclamacións de soberanía
  • Verde - portos comerciais
  • Azul - principais exploracións mariñas, rutas e áreas de influencia.
한국어: 포르투갈 제국(1415-1999)의 연대를 무시한 영역 지도.
  • 빨강 - 실제 점유 영역
  • 진녹 - 탐사 지역
  • 주황 - 교역과 영향이 있던 지역
  • 분홍 - 통치권이 주장되었던 지역
  • 초록 - 무역 거점
  • 파랑 - 중요 탐사, 무역 및 영향력을 끼쳤던 해역.
Polski: Anachroniczna mapa Imperium Portugalskiego (1415-1999).


  • czerwony - faktyczne władanie
  • oliwkowy - zasięg odkryć
  • pomarańczowy - obszary wpływów i handlu
  • różowy - roszczenia do suwerenności
  • zielony - faktorie (ośrodki handlowe)
  • niebieski - główne morskie obszary odkryć, tras i wpływów.
தமிழ்: போர்த்துகீசிய பேரரசு (1415-1999) காலத்திற்கு ஒவ்வாத வரைபடம்


  • சிவப்பு - உடைமை
  • ஆலிவ் - ஆராய்ந்தவை
  • காவி - வணிகம் மற்றும் செல்வாக்கு மிகுந்த இடங்கள்
  • இளஞ்சிவப்பு - இறையாண்மை கூற்றுக்கள்
  • பச்சை - வர்த்தக பதிவுகள்
  • நீலம் - பிரதான கடல் கண்டுபிடிப்புகள், செல்வாக்கு பகுதிகள்
Bahasa Indonesia: Sebuah peta anakron dari Kekaisaran Portugis (1415-1999).
  • Merah - kepemilikan sebenarnya
  • Hijau zaitun - penjelajahan
  • Oranye - wilayah pengaruh dan perdagangan
  • Merah muda - klaim kedaulatan
  • Hijau muda - pos dagang
  • Biru - penjelajahan laut utama, rute dan wilayah pengaruh

Category:World maps
Datum 30. März 2007 (Original-Hochladedatum)
Quelle Übertragen aus en.wikipedia nach Commons.
Urheber The Ogre in der Wikipedia auf Englisch / Later versions were uploaded by The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick in der Wikipedia auf Englisch.
Andere Versionen Abgeleitete Werke dieser Datei:  Portuguese Empire 1415-1999.png

Additional Information and Sources

This map is a comprehensive geographical anachronous representation of all the actual possessions of the en:Portuguese Empire.

Claims of sovereignty

Areas of discovery

(European discoveries were usually accompanied by ceremonies claiming the newly discovered lands for the monarch in whose name the voyage was made, even if those claims were not followed up by actual colonisation).

  • en:Greenland: (1499/1500–?) possession claimed by João Fernandes Labrador in 1499 or 1500. Seen as claimed in the Cantino planisphere of 1502, Reinel-Lopo Homem chart of 1519 and Reinel map of 1535.
  • Land of the Corte-Real: (1501–?) claimed after the voyages of the Corte-Real brothers.
    • Terra Nova (Newfoundland): (1501–?) claimed by Miguel and Gaspar Corte-Real, latter by João Álvares Fagundes. Also known as Terra Nova dos Bacalhaus.
    • en:Labrador (1499/1500–?): claimed by the Corte-Real brothers and maybe by João Fernandes Labrador.
    • en:Nova Scotia (1519?–?): explored and claimed by João Álvares Fagundes.
  • African coastline

Trading posts

Timisoara gabriel

Areas of influence

Actual posessions

In Africa

Portuguese presence in en:Africa started in 1415 with the conquest of en:Ceuta and is generally view as ending in 1975, with the independence of its later colonies, although the present autonomous region of en:Madeira located in the en:African Plate, some 650 km (360 mi) off the en:North African coast, Madeira belongs and has always belonged ethnically, culturally, economically and politically to en:Europe, some 955 km (583 mi) from the European mainland.

  • Angola/Portuguese West Africa: colony (1575–1589); crown colony (1589–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • en:Arguin/Arguim: (1455–1633)
  • en:Accra: (1557–1578)
  • Cabinda: protectorate (1883–1885)Frente de Libertação do Estado de Cabinda (F.L.E.C). Congo district (1887–1921); intendancy subordinate to en:Maquela (1921–1922); dependency of Zaire district (1922–1930); Intendacy of Zaire and Cabinda (1930–1932); intendancy under en:Angola (1932–1934); dependency under Angola (1934–1945); restored as District (1946–1975). Controlled by Frente Nacional para a Libertação de Angola (en:National Liberation Front of Angola) as part of independent Angola in 1975. Declared Cabinda a Republic in 1975, but not recognized by Portugal nor Angola.
  • Cabo Verde/Cape Verde: settlements (1462–1495); dominion of crown colonies (1495–1587); crown colony (1587–1951); overseas province (1951–1974); en:autonomous republic (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • en:Ceuta: possession (1415–1640). Became Spanish in 1668.
  • en:Elmina: possession (1482–1637)
  • Fernando Poo and en:Annobón: colonies (1474–1778). Ceded to Spain in 1778.
  • en:Portuguese Gold Coast: (1482–1642), ceded to Dutch Gold Coast in 1642
  • Guiné Portuguesa/Portuguese Guinea: colony (1879–1951); overseas province (1951–1974). Unilateral independence declared in 1973, recognized by Portugal in 1974.
    • en:Cacheu: captaincy (1640–1879). United with Bissau in 1879.
    • en:Bissau: settlement under Cacheu (1687–1696); captaincy (1696–1707); abandoned (1707–1753); separate colony under Cape Verde (1753–1879). United with Cacheu in 1879.
  • en:Madagascar: southern part (1496–1550)
  • en:Madeira: possession (1418–1420); colony (1420–1580); crown colony (1580–1834); autonomous district (1834–1976). Made an autonomous region in 1976.
  • en:Mascarene Islands: fortified post (1498–1540)
  • en:Malindi: occupation (1500–1630)
  • en:Mombassa: occupation (1593–1638); colony subordinate to Goa (1638–1698; 1728–1729). Under Omani sovereignty in 1729.
  • en:Morocco en:enclaves
  • Mozambique/Portuguese East Africa: possession (1498–1501); subordinate to Goa (1501–1569); captaincy-general (1569–1609); colony subordinate to Goa (1609–1752); colony (1752–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); state (1971–1974); local transitional administration (1974–1975). Independence in 1975.
  • Quíloa (1505–1512)
  • en:Saint Laurent Islands (Madagascar): fortified post (1498–1540)
  • en:São João Baptista de Ajudá: fort subordinate to Brazil (1721–1730); subordinate to São Tomé e Príncipe (1865–1869). Annexed by Dahomey in 1961.
  • São Tomé e Príncipe: crown colony (1753–1951); overseas province (1951–1971); local administration (1971–1975). Independence in 1975.
    • en:São Tomé: possession (1470–1485); colony (1485–1522); crown colony (1522–1641); administration under Dutch occupation (1641–1648). French occupation in 1648.
    • en:Príncipe: colony (1500–1573). United with São Tomé in 1573.
  • en:Zanzibar: possession (1503–1698). Became part of en:Oman in 1698.
  • en:Ziguinchor: possession (1645–1888). Ceded to en:France in 1888.

North Atlantic and North America

The Azores were discovered soon in the Discovery Ages. Labrador and Corte-Real brothers later explored and claimed Greenland and eastern modern Canada from 1499 to 1502.

In Central and South America

Brazil was explored and claimed in 1500, and become independent in 1822. Unlike the Spanish, the Portuguese did not divide its possession in South America in several vice-royalties.

  • en:Barbados: Possession known as Os Barbados, discovered by Pedro Campos in 1536 being an exile post for Brazilian Jews. The only Caribbean possession the Portuguese held for eighty-four years until Portugal abandoned the island to continue exploring nearby Brazil.
  • en:Brazil: possession known as Ilha de Santa Cruz, later Terra de Vera Cruz (1500–1530); colony (1530-1714); vice-kingdom (1714–1815); kingdom under United Kingdom of Portugal (1815–1822), independence in 1822.
  • Cisplatina (Uruguay): occupation (1808–1822). Captaincy in 1817 (of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves). Adhered as a province of the new en:Empire of Brazil in 1822. Became independent 1827, changing its name to Uruguay.
  • en:French Guiana: occupation (1809–1817). Restored to en:France in 1817.
  • Nova Colônia do Sacramento: colony in present Uruguay (1680; 1683–1705; 1715–1777). Ceded to Spain in 1777.

In Asia and Oceania

Reached by the Portuguese in 1498 by en:Vasco da Gama. Macau was the last possession in Asia and was handed over to the People's Republic of China in 1999.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?id=vtZtMBLJ7GgC&pg=PA92&dq=Canary+Islands+Portuguese+claim#PPA93,M1
  2. https://books.google.com/books?id=wP5gjdGinkwC&pg=PA11&dq=pink+map+portuguese


Public domain Dieses Werk wurde von seinem Urheber The Ogre in der Wikipedia auf Englisch als gemeinfrei veröffentlicht. Dies gilt weltweit.
In manchen Staaten könnte dies rechtlich nicht möglich sein. Sofern dies der Fall ist:
The Ogre gewährt jedem das bedingungslose Recht, dieses Werk für jedweden Zweck zu nutzen, es sei denn, Bedingungen sind gesetzlich erforderlich.

Ursprüngliches Datei-Logbuch

Die ursprüngliche Dateibeschreibungsseite war hier. Alle folgenden Benutzernamen beziehen sich auf en.wikipedia.
  • 2007-04-16 16:58 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (44511 bytes) corrected map regarding Formosa/Taywan
  • 2007-04-15 13:11 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (44415 bytes) rm question smarks in North America as per talk in [[Talk:Portuguese_Empire#An_exploration_.3D_Empire.3F|Talk:Portuguese Empire # An exploration = Empire?]]
  • 2007-04-09 20:29 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (44551 bytes) An anachronous map of the [[Portuguese Empire]] (1415-1999). Red - actual possessions; Pink - explorations, areas of influence and claims of sovereignty; Blue - main sea explorations, routes and areas of inluence.
  • 2007-04-03 23:35 The Red Hat of Pat Ferrick 1425×625×8 (29727 bytes) Removed Australia as per talk page.
  • 2007-04-03 15:20 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (44746 bytes) I made this, again and again... It´s a work in progress! Just corrected the color (red to Pink) for the [[Banda Islands]]
  • 2007-03-31 16:02 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (44736 bytes) Again me, some minor tweaks.
  • 2007-03-31 12:59 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (43961 bytes) I made this, once more! Adding Portuguese area of influence in the [[Kingdom of Kongo]]
  • 2007-03-30 17:55 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (43701 bytes) I made this, again!
  • 2007-03-30 17:42 The Ogre 1425×625×8 (43664 bytes) I made this!


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell14:53, 25. Jul. 2010Vorschaubild der Version vom 14:53, 25. Jul. 20101.425 × 625 (29 KB)The OgreSorry, rv, the previous maps shows more detail and is not incorrect - Reverted to version as of 13:30, 25 January 2009
18:42, 14. Mai 2010Vorschaubild der Version vom 18:42, 14. Mai 20101.425 × 625 (25 KB)Maps & LucyUploaded the verision User:Trasamundo claimed was the most accurate to suit this file as it is the most used. (Revert if you wish)
15:30, 25. Jan. 2009Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:30, 25. Jan. 20091.425 × 625 (29 KB)The Red Hat of Pat FerrickCorrect Madagascar, show entire coast of Africa as explored.
13:55, 19. Jan. 2009Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:55, 19. Jan. 20091.425 × 625 (29 KB)The Red Hat of Pat FerrickBreak out pink into claims, spheres of influence and areas of exploration. Add green dot for trading post.
13:42, 6. Jun. 2007Vorschaubild der Version vom 13:42, 6. Jun. 20071.425 × 625 (43 KB)CedricBLN{{Information |Description=An anachronous map of the en:Portuguese Empire (1415-1999). Red - actual possessions; Pink - explorations, areas of influence and trade and claims of sovereignty; Blue - main sea explorations, routes and areas of inluence.

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