DannyH (WMF)
Dies ist die Benutzerseite eines Benutzers, der Mitglied des Personals der Wikimedia Foundation war oder als Auftragnehmer für die Foundation gearbeitet hat. Um eine historische Aufzeichnung zu erhalten, wurde sie nicht gelöscht. Die angegebenen Kontaktinformationen können jedoch falsch sein, da dieser Nutzer nicht mehr bei der Foundation beschäftigt ist. Um mit den derzeitigen Mitarbeitern der Foundation Kontakt aufzunehmen, siehe Kategorie:Mitarbeiter der Wikimedia Foundation oder [Wikimedia Foundation/Organizational chart Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer]. Wenn du Hilfe benötigst, um die richtigen Mitarbeiter für ein Problem zu finden, kontaktiere answerswikimedia.org. |
About me
In December 2005, I co-founded Muppet Wiki, a collaborative encyclopedia about Jim Henson and the Muppets. I instantly fell in love with collaborative writing, and the awesome power of the wiki platform.
Muppet Wiki turned into a huge, beautiful, and deeply peculiar site -- more than 25,000 pages, so far -- and building the wiki quickly became my favorite thing to do. Since 2005, I've made more than 125,000 content edits on Muppet Wiki.
I was the kind of user at Wikia who has tons of ideas about how to make the site better, and I talked a lot to the community and product teams there. By 2007, I'd left my job as an educator at a non-profit agency, moved to San Francisco, and started working for Wikia, building lots of different projects aimed at increasing the number of contributors and contributions on the site. In 2014, I left Wikia and started working for the Wikimedia Foundation.
Outside of work, I also write a daily blog called "Dark Shadows Every Day", about the 1960s vampire soap opera.
This is my work account, which I use for my job at the Wikimedia Foundation. My volunteer account is User:Toughpigs; I've been editing Wikipedia since 2005.
My work
I've been working for the Wikimedia Foundation since 2014. I'm a Director of Product Management, working with the Editing team, the Growth team, the Community Tech team, the Anti-Harassment Tools team, and the Language team. I'm also working on the 2019 Talk pages consultation.
Contact me
- E-mail: dhornwikimedia.org
- IRC: dannyh