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- Saul Bellow (1988) „Der Philosoph Morris R. Cohen wurde einmal von einem Studenten gefragt: ,Herr Professor, wie kann ich wissen, dass ich existiere?‘ ,So?‘ erwiderte Cohen. ,Und wer stellt diese Frage?‘“
Für Client-based Sicherheitsanwendungen
Bearbeiten- Market Overview of Security as a Service Systems
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- [MaKu09] Mather, T., Kumaraswamy, S., and Latif, S.: Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance. O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2009.
- [MeGr09] Mell, P. and Grance, T.: The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing. In: Nation-al Institute of Standards and Technology 53, 6, 50, 2009.
- [Pete09] Peterson, G.: Service-Oriented Security Indications for Use. In: Computing in Science and Engineering 7, 2009, p. 91-93.
- [PiCh09] Pietre-Cambacedes, L. and Chaudet, C., Disentangling the relations between safety and security. In: Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international confer-ence on Applied informatics and communications. World Scientific and Engi-neering Academy and Society (WSEAS), Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, 2009, p. 156-161.
- [RiRa10] Rittinghouse, J. and Ransome, J.: Cloud Computing: Implementation, Man-agement, and Security. CRC, Boca Raton, 2010.
- [Smit10] Smith, D. M.: Hype Cycle for Cloud Computing, 2010., 2010, Accessed 13 July 2011.
- [StWH10] Stanoevska-Slabeva, K., Wozniak, T., and Hoyer, V.: Practical Guidelines for Evolving IT Infrastructure towards Grids and Clouds. In: Grid and Cloud Computing: A Business Perspective on Technology and Applications, K. Stanoevska-Slabeva, T. Wozniak and S. Ristol: Springer, Berlin, 2010, p. 225-243.
- [VRCL08] Vaquero, L. M., Rodero-Merino, L., Caceres, J., and Lindner, M.: A break in the Clouds. In: SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev 39, 1, 50, 2008.
- [Will10] William Y Chang, H. A.-A. J. F. S.: Transforming Enterprise Cloud Services. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2010.
- [ZhCB10] Zhang, Q., Cheng, L., and Boutaba, R.: Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges. In: Journal of Internet Services and Applications 1, 1, 2010, p. 7-18.
- Adoption of Security as a Service Applications
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