Beleg für Überflutung
BearbeitenIm Abschnitt Ökologie und Landwirtschaft ist der ursprüngliche Beleg einer Studie des Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum nicht mehr erreichbar. Ich habe ihn durch eine Meldung von IPS.news ersetzt, in der u.a. die Studie dieser NGO erwähnt wird. In der nicht mehr erreichbaren webseite hieß es: Commenting over the study report, he said that the consultants were supposed to recommend the zero point or meeting point between the sea and the Indus River. "They (consultants) have proposed Shirazi Bunder as the new zero point, which is 35 kilometres inland, which means that the consultants are abandoning the entire belt of Thatta and Badin to the sea," he said. He rejected any proposal of dam at the zero point saying that there was no such example in the world where sea could be stopped by gates, "LBOD (left bank out fall drain) failed due to the doors at the zero point, which has invited the sea to further intrude inland," he added. Mit "he" ist Zulfikar Shah, der Leiter des Programms gemeint. -- Bertramz 11:12, 23. Jan. 2011 (CET)